When you decide to engage in pay-per-click marketing, you will need to decide what terms you are going to bid on as part of the process. In fact, selecting the terms you will bid is one of the most important pieces of the puzzle. If you bid the right terms, you can put your product…
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Conquer Mobile Marketing Over The Coming Year With This Checklist
Smartphones are popular. Those three words sum up exactly why no business can afford to ignore mobile marketing in 2018. Of course, you didn’t need us to tell you this, as you only need to walk through downtown Frederick, MD (or any street across the country for that matter) to confirm that as the truth.…
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Google Advertising Changes | Local Three Packs & Maps
The local listings on Google can be one of the most powerful ways to get your business noticed – but that will only be the case if you keep up with the way the biggest search engine does business. Change is a constant in the online world, and that certainly applies with Google pay per…
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